#!/bin/bash # # Mount a gocryptfs filesystem somewhere on /tmp, then run two parallel # infinite loops inside that do the following: # 1) Extract linux-3.0.tar.gz # 2) Verify the md5sums # 3) Delete, go to (1) # # This test is good at discovering inode-related memory leaks because it creates # huge numbers of files. # # See Documentation/extractloop.md for example output. set -eu cd "$(dirname "$0")" MD5="$PWD/linux-3.0.md5sums" MYNAME=$(basename "$0") source ../fuse-unmount.bash # Setup dirs ../dl-linux-tarball.bash cd /tmp CRYPT=$(mktemp -d /tmp/$MYNAME.XXX) CSV=$CRYPT.csv MNT=$CRYPT.mnt mkdir $MNT function check_md5sums { if command -v md5sum > /dev/null ; then md5sum --status -c $1 else # MacOS / darwin which do not have the md5sum utility # installed by default echo "Skipping md5sum (not installed). Hint: brew install md5sha1sum" fi } # Mount FSPID=0 if [ $# -eq 1 ] && [ "$1" == "-encfs" ]; then echo "Testing EncFS" encfs --extpass="echo test" --standard $CRYPT $MNT > /dev/null elif [ $# -eq 1 ] && [ "$1" == "-loopback" ]; then echo "Testing go-fuse loopback" rm -f /tmp/loopback*.memprof loopback -l -memprofile=/tmp/loopback $MNT $CRYPT & FSPID=$(jobs -p) disown else echo "Testing gocryptfs" gocryptfs -q -init -extpass="echo test" -scryptn=10 $CRYPT gocryptfs -q -extpass="echo test" -nosyslog -fg $CRYPT $MNT & FSPID=$(jobs -p) disown #gocryptfs -q -extpass="echo test" -nosyslog -memprofile /tmp/extractloop-mem $CRYPT $MNT fi echo "Test dir: $CRYPT" # Sleep to make sure the FS is already mounted on MNT sleep 1 cd $MNT ln -v -sTf $CSV /tmp/extractloop.csv 2> /dev/null || true # fails on MacOS, ignore # Cleanup trap # Note: gocryptfs may have already umounted itself because bash relays SIGINT # Just ignore unmount errors. trap "cd / ; fuse-unmount -z $MNT ; rm -rf $CRYPT; rmdir $MNT" EXIT function loop { ID=$1 mkdir $ID cd $ID echo "[looper $ID] Starting" N=1 RSS=0 while true do t1=$SECONDS tar xf /tmp/linux-3.0.tar.gz --exclude linux-3.0/arch/microblaze/boot/dts/system.dts # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # Exclude the one symlink in the tarball - causes problems on MacOS: "Can't set permissions to 0755" check_md5sums $MD5 rm -Rf linux-3.0 t2=$SECONDS delta=$((t2-t1)) if [ $FSPID -gt 0 ]; then RSS=$(grep VmRSS /proc/$FSPID/status | tr -s ' ' | cut -f2 -d ' ') echo "$N,$SECONDS,$RSS" >> $CSV fi echo "[looper $ID] Iteration $N done, $delta seconds, RSS $RSS kiB" let N=$N+1 done } function memprof { while true; do kill -USR1 $FSPID sleep 60 done } loop 1 & loop 2 & #memprof & wait