#!/bin/bash set -eu cd "$(dirname "$0")" SIGNME="" # git_archive_extra PREFIX EXTRA1 [EXTRA2 ...] # # Call git-archive and add additional files to the tarball. # Output tarball is called "$PREFIX.tar.gz" and contains one folder # called "$PREFIX". git_archive_extra() { local PREFIX=$1 shift # Add files tracked in git git archive --prefix "$PREFIX/" -o "$PREFIX.tar" HEAD # Add "extra" files tar --owner=root --group=root --transform "s!^!$PREFIX/!" --append -f "$PREFIX.tar" "$@" # Compress gzip -f "$PREFIX.tar" } package_source() { local GITVERSION GITVERSION=$(git describe --tags --dirty) echo "$GITVERSION" > VERSION # Render the manpages and include them in the tarball. This # avoids a build-dependency to pandoc. ./Documentation/MANPAGE-render.bash # gocryptfs source tarball local PREFIX_SRC_ONLY=gocryptfs_${GITVERSION}_src git_archive_extra "$PREFIX_SRC_ONLY" VERSION Documentation/*.1 # gocryptfs source + dependencies tarball go mod vendor local PREFIX_SRC_DEPS=gocryptfs_${GITVERSION}_src-deps git_archive_extra "$PREFIX_SRC_DEPS" VERSION Documentation/*.1 vendor rm VERSION rm -R vendor echo "Tars created." SIGNME+=" $PREFIX_SRC_ONLY.tar.gz $PREFIX_SRC_DEPS.tar.gz" } package_static_binary() { # Compiles the gocryptfs binary and sets $GITVERSION source build-without-cgo.bash if ldd gocryptfs > /dev/null ; then echo "error: compiled gocryptfs binary is not static" exit 1 fi # Build man pages gocryptfs.1 & gocryptfs-xray.1 ./Documentation/MANPAGE-render.bash > /dev/null local ARCH ARCH=$(go env GOARCH) local OS OS=$(go env GOOS) local TARBALL TARBALL=gocryptfs_${GITVERSION}_${OS}-static_${ARCH}.tar local TARGZ TARGZ=$TARBALL.gz tar --owner=root --group=root --create -vf "$TARBALL" gocryptfs tar --owner=root --group=root --append -vf "$TARBALL" -C gocryptfs-xray gocryptfs-xray tar --owner=root --group=root --append -vf "$TARBALL" -C Documentation gocryptfs.1 gocryptfs-xray.1 gzip -f "$TARBALL" echo "Tar created." SIGNME+=" $TARGZ" } signing_hint() { local GITVERSION GITVERSION=$(git describe --tags --dirty) echo "Hint for signing:" echo " for i in gocryptfs_${GITVERSION}_*.tar.gz ; do gpg -u 23A02740 --armor --detach-sig \$i ; done" } if git describe --dirty | grep dirty ; then echo "Tree is dirty - I will not package this!" exit 1 fi package_source package_static_binary signing_hint