package cryptfs import ( "fmt" "os" "io" "errors" "crypto/cipher" ) type CryptFile struct { file *os.File gcm cipher.AEAD plainBS int64 cipherBS int64 } // decryptBlock - Verify and decrypt GCM block func (be *CryptFS) DecryptBlock(ciphertext []byte) ([]byte, error) { // Empty block? if len(ciphertext) == 0 { return ciphertext, nil } if len(ciphertext) < NONCE_LEN { warn.Printf("decryptBlock: Block is too short: %d bytes\n", len(ciphertext)) return nil, errors.New("Block is too short") } // Extract nonce nonce := ciphertext[:NONCE_LEN] ciphertext = ciphertext[NONCE_LEN:] // Decrypt var plaintext []byte plaintext, err := be.gcm.Open(plaintext, nonce, ciphertext, nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } return plaintext, nil } // encryptBlock - Encrypt and add MAC using GCM func (be *CryptFS) EncryptBlock(plaintext []byte) []byte { // Empty block? if len(plaintext) == 0 { return plaintext } // Get fresh nonce nonce := gcmNonce.Get() // Encrypt plaintext and append to nonce ciphertext := be.gcm.Seal(nonce, nonce, plaintext, nil) return ciphertext } // readCipherBlock - Read ciphertext block number "blockNo", decrypt, // return plaintext func (be *CryptFile) readCipherBlock(blockNo int64) ([]byte, error) { off := blockNo * int64(be.cipherBS) buf := make([]byte, be.cipherBS) readN, err := be.file.ReadAt(buf, off) if err != nil && err != io.EOF { return nil, err } // Truncate buffer to actually read bytes buf = buf[:readN] // Empty block? if len(buf) == 0 { return buf, nil } if len(buf) < NONCE_LEN { warn.Printf("readCipherBlock: Block is too short: %d bytes\n", len(buf)) return nil, errors.New("Block is too short") } // Extract nonce nonce := buf[:NONCE_LEN] buf = buf[NONCE_LEN:] // Decrypt var plainBuf []byte plainBuf, err = be.gcm.Open(plainBuf, nonce, buf, nil) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("gcm.Open() failed: %d\n", err) return nil, err } return plainBuf, nil } // intraBlock identifies a part of a file block type intraBlock struct { BlockNo int64 // Block number in file Offset int64 // Offset into block plaintext Length int64 // Length of data from this block fs *CryptFS } // isPartial - is the block partial? This means we have to do read-modify-write. func (ib *intraBlock) IsPartial() bool { if ib.Offset > 0 || ib.Length < ib.fs.plainBS { return true } return false } // ciphertextRange - get byte range in ciphertext file corresponding to BlockNo func (ib *intraBlock) CiphertextRange() (offset int64, length int64) { return ib.BlockNo * ib.fs.cipherBS, ib.fs.cipherBS } // CropBlock - crop a full plaintext block down to the relevant part func (ib *intraBlock) CropBlock(d []byte) []byte{ return d[ib.Offset:ib.Offset+ib.Length] } // Split a plaintext byte range into (possible partial) blocks func (be *CryptFS) SplitRange(offset int64, length int64) []intraBlock { var b intraBlock var parts []intraBlock b.fs = be for length > 0 { b.BlockNo = offset / be.plainBS b.Offset = offset % be.plainBS b.Length = be.min64(length, be.plainBS - b.Offset) parts = append(parts, b) offset += b.Length length -= b.Length } return parts } func (be *CryptFS) min64(x int64, y int64) int64 { if x < y { return x } return y } // writeCipherBlock - Encrypt plaintext and write it to file block "blockNo" func (be *CryptFile) writeCipherBlock(blockNo int64, plain []byte) error { if int64(len(plain)) > be.plainBS { panic("writeCipherBlock: Cannot write block that is larger than plainBS") } // Get fresh nonce nonce := gcmNonce.Get() // Encrypt data and append to nonce cipherBuf := be.gcm.Seal(nonce, nonce, plain, nil) // WriteAt retries short writes autmatically written, err := be.file.WriteAt(cipherBuf, blockNo * be.cipherBS) debug.Printf("writeCipherBlock: wrote %d ciphertext bytes to block %d\n", written, blockNo) return err } // Perform RMW cycle on block // Write "data" into file location specified in "b" func (be *CryptFile) rmwWrite(b intraBlock, data []byte, f *os.File) error { if b.Length != int64(len(data)) { panic("Length mismatch") } oldBlock, err := be.readCipherBlock(b.BlockNo) if err != nil { return err } newBlockLen := b.Offset + b.Length debug.Printf("newBlockLen := %d + %d\n", b.Offset, b.Length) var newBlock []byte // Write goes beyond the old block and grows the file? // Must create a bigger newBlock if newBlockLen > int64(len(oldBlock)) { newBlock = make([]byte, newBlockLen) } else { newBlock = make([]byte, len(oldBlock)) } // Fill with old data copy(newBlock, oldBlock) // Then overwrite the relevant parts with new data copy(newBlock[b.Offset:b.Offset + b.Length], data) // Actual write err = be.writeCipherBlock(b.BlockNo, newBlock) if err != nil { // An incomplete write to a ciphertext block means that the whole block // is destroyed. fmt.Printf("rmwWrite: Write error: %s\n", err) } return err }