diff options
authorJakob Unterwurzacher2017-05-30 17:59:13 +0200
committerJakob Unterwurzacher2017-05-30 17:59:13 +0200
commitdf2f4b1c40dec4a9996fd07cc7db1f2c82afbb7c (patch)
parent9a217ce786581ee7ec18b27e46f0096763c85f9e (diff)
main: add short help text
We have accumulated so many options over time that they no longer fit on the screen. Display only a useful subset of options to the user unless they pass "-hh".
3 files changed, 63 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/cli_args.go b/cli_args.go
index be6d688..eb844e1 100644
--- a/cli_args.go
+++ b/cli_args.go
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ type argContainer struct {
debug, init, zerokey, fusedebug, openssl, passwd, fg, version,
plaintextnames, quiet, nosyslog, wpanic,
longnames, allow_other, ro, reverse, aessiv, nonempty, raw64,
- noprealloc, speed, hkdf, serialize_reads, forcedecode bool
+ noprealloc, speed, hkdf, serialize_reads, forcedecode, hh bool
masterkey, mountpoint, cipherdir, cpuprofile, extpass,
memprofile, ko, passfile, ctlsock, fsname string
// Configuration file name override
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ func parseCliOpts() (args argContainer) {
var opensslAuto string
flagSet = flag.NewFlagSet(tlog.ProgramName, flag.ContinueOnError)
- flagSet.Usage = usageText
+ flagSet.Usage = helpShort
flagSet.BoolVar(&args.debug, "d", false, "")
flagSet.BoolVar(&args.debug, "debug", false, "Enable debug output")
flagSet.BoolVar(&args.fusedebug, "fusedebug", false, "Enable fuse library debug output")
@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ func parseCliOpts() (args argContainer) {
flagSet.BoolVar(&args.serialize_reads, "serialize_reads", false, "Try to serialize read operations")
flagSet.BoolVar(&args.forcedecode, "forcedecode", false, "Force decode of files even if integrity check fails."+
" Requires gocryptfs to be compiled with openssl support and implies -openssl true")
+ flagSet.BoolVar(&args.hh, "hh", false, "Show this long help text")
flagSet.StringVar(&args.masterkey, "masterkey", "", "Mount with explicit master key")
flagSet.StringVar(&args.cpuprofile, "cpuprofile", "", "Write cpu profile to specified file")
flagSet.StringVar(&args.memprofile, "memprofile", "", "Write memory profile to specified file")
@@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ func parseCliOpts() (args argContainer) {
flagSet.BoolVar(&dummyBool, "nosuid", false, ignoreText)
flagSet.BoolVar(&dummyBool, "nodev", false, ignoreText)
var dummyString string
- flagSet.StringVar(&dummyString, "o", "", "For compatibility, all options can be also passed as a comma-separated list to -o.")
+ flagSet.StringVar(&dummyString, "o", "", "For compatibility with mount(1), options can be also passed as a comma-separated list to -o on the end.")
// Actual parsing
err = flagSet.Parse(os.Args[1:])
if err == flag.ErrHelp {
diff --git a/help.go b/help.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..378c380
--- /dev/null
+++ b/help.go
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+package main
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ ""
+const tUsage = "" +
+ "Usage: " + tlog.ProgramName + " -init|-passwd [OPTIONS] CIPHERDIR\n" +
+ " or " + tlog.ProgramName + " [OPTIONS] CIPHERDIR MOUNTPOINT\n"
+// helpShort is what gets displayed when passed "-h" or on syntax error.
+func helpShort() {
+ printVersion()
+ fmt.Printf("\n")
+ fmt.Printf(tUsage)
+ fmt.Printf(`
+Common Options (use -hh to show all):
+ -aessiv Use AES-SIV encryption (with -init)
+ -allow_other Allow other users to access the mount
+ -config Custom path to config file
+ -ctlsock Create control socket at location
+ -extpass Call external program to prompt for the password
+ -fg Stay in the foreground
+ -fusedebug Debug FUSE calls
+ -h, -help This short help text
+ -hh Long help text with all options
+ -init Initialize encrypted directory
+ -masterkey Mount with explicit master key instead of password
+ -nonempty Allow mounting over non-empty directory
+ -nosyslog Do not redirect log messages to syslog
+ -passfile Read password from file
+ -passwd Change password
+ -plaintextnames Do not encrypt file names (with -init)
+ -q, -quiet Silence informational messages
+ -reverse Enable reverse mode
+ -ro Mount read-only
+ -speed Run crypto speed test
+ -version Print version information
+ -- Stop option parsing
+// helpLong gets only displayed on "-hh"
+func helpLong() {
+ printVersion()
+ fmt.Printf("\n")
+ fmt.Printf(tUsage)
+ fmt.Printf("\nOptions:\n")
+ flagSet.PrintDefaults()
+ fmt.Printf(" --\n Stop option parsing\n")
diff --git a/main.go b/main.go
index 77d25f4..bc2ca12 100644
--- a/main.go
+++ b/main.go
@@ -31,21 +31,6 @@ var BuildTime = "0"
// raceDetector is set to true by race.go if we are compiled with "go build -race"
var raceDetector bool
-func usageText() {
- printVersion()
- fmt.Printf(`
-Usage: %s -init|-passwd [OPTIONS] CIPHERDIR
-`, tlog.ProgramName, tlog.ProgramName)
- flagSet.PrintDefaults()
- fmt.Print(` --
- Stop option parsing
// loadConfig loads the config file "args.config", prompting the user for the password
func loadConfig(args *argContainer) (masterkey []byte, confFile *configfile.ConfFile, err error) {
// Check if the file can be opened at all before prompting for a password
@@ -145,6 +130,11 @@ func main() {
+ // "-hh"
+ if args.hh {
+ helpLong()
+ os.Exit(0)
+ }
// "-speed"
if args.speed {
@@ -163,7 +153,7 @@ func main() {
} else {
- usageText()
+ helpShort()
// "-q"